"What do we want? Justice" "When do we want it? Now,"
This was chorused frequently throughout the afternoon on Saturday. The heavy thump of a drum and the sounding of a horn, incited a formidable response from the crowd. The chants were emphatic and passionate, a potent force demanding to be heard. Each person came adorned in their own variation of the Palestinian flag, a sea of black, white, red and green. It was a sight to see, and when they began to march, it was impossible for onlookers not to turn and watch in awe. The protest signs, flags and banners were invigorating, the need for justice impossible to ignore.
But why? Why had hundreds of thousands of people across the UK made the effort to protest? What made so many people enraged enough to come out on a cold, rainy Saturday afternoon and march through the streets? Where is this injustice, that is inciting such a response?
The injustice is happening in Palestine. Where innocent Muslims and Christians are being tyrannised, slandered and persecuted. It is in Palestine, a country whose citizens have been oppressed since 1948. It is in Palestine, where innocent people are being killed, and an apartheid is being implemented.

The escalation in violence between Israel and Palestinian citizens in Gaza, was brought to an end after 11 days, by a ceasefire announced on Friday. At least 230 innocent Palestinian civilians had been killed and among the death toll were over 70 children.
The oppressive nature of the Israeli regime, and its hostility to the Palestinian people is ever present.
The pain and destruction the people of Palestine have been facing is in clear violation of their human rights and something people all around the globe have been openly condemning. From South Africa to Toronto, cities have been calling out the brutal acts Israel have committed.
There cannot be peace in the Middle East without giving Palestinians their full rights. - Mohammed Morsi
The intensity of the violence was clear to see, it has further placed a magnifying glass on the imbalance of power between Israel with a fully equipped army and the limited resources Palestinians could muster. This only exacerbated the necessity of people in countries around the world raise their voices due to the sheer lack of coverage from mainstream media. The ceasefire gave little hope to ease the agony of the Palestinians. This has already been proven by events mere hours later, when it was reported that Israeli police had tossed stun grenades into crowds of peaceful worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem once again.

Numerous protests against Israeli oppression and the heavy handed retaliation against innocent civilians took place throughout the month. This weekend marked many of the biggest rallies in cities including London and Birmingham as well as hundreds of cities around the world.. Many of the pro-Palestinian supporters feel strongly about the need to maintain the momentum that has now been built, by continuing to speak out against Israel, especially through protests like this one. Although the ceasefire means the surface violence incited by Israel will come to an end, it is by no means a solution to the continuous oppression Palestinians are faced with in the absence of a lasting solution and freedom for Palestine.

The information being shared predominantly through the use of social media, has brought light to the atrocities the people of Palestine are constantly having to suffer through. The new way of sharing the true acts that are being effectuated has allowed for a unique incite into the lives of the Palestinian people. Now more than ever before, it has become impossible to stay silent on the barbarism.
Israel have bombed potable water infrastructure, restricted electricity to hospitals, blockaded trade and contaminated land used for agriculture, among many other things. Armed with only rocks as their attempt to fight back, it has become alarmingly clear that the Palestinian civilians are in need of our support.
People came out in their thousands throughout the UK to contest these atrocities. Birmingham was no different, with a march of over 1000 people through the city centre on Saturday.
The Protest was arranged to meet in Victoria square, where the Muslim Association Britain Youth, began with a range of brilliant speeches from various young activists. We were frequently prompted to chant pro-Palestinian phrases, such as "Free, Free Palestine"; "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free" and "We are all Palestinians". There was also a song performed in solidarity for the Palestinian people.
The atmosphere was energetic and powerful, with a majority of Protesters being young Muslims, including students at our school. The unanimity of our cause was clear; freedom to all Palestinian people. We were all stood shoulder to shoulder, our love for Palestine uniting us.
Below is a slideshow of photos taken by numerous members of our Sixth Form, including Tasneem Chihani, Sara Al-Khalidi, Fatimah Kadri, Aafreen Arshad, Noora Al-Nemrat, and Samah Irshad. Swipe right to view

Another show of support from students in our school was the "Wear Red for Palestine Day" that took place on May 17th, in an effort to spread awareness for Palestine.
This was for members of the Sixth Form to show their support for Palestine. The school was full of Keffiyehs, red t-shirts, cardigans, jackets and masks, as well as face paint portraying the Palestinian flag.
It was a fantastic show of support and school spirit, and we hope that the ISoc and students will be able to work together in the future to raise more awareness for our Palestinian Brothers and Sisters.
We would also like to remind you all of the power in a Du'a. Even if it is difficult to attend a protest or you don't own anything red, we have been given the amazing ability, as Muslims, to ask upon Allah to help and support the Palestinians.
It is advised that in times of calamity, to recite the following general Du’as from the Qur’an:
حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيل
Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs. (3:173)
Hasbun Allahu wa ni’mal wakeel
إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
Indeed, to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return. (2:156)
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’oon
Thank you all for reading!
If anyone has any pictures of them at the protest or of themselves in red, feel free to DM them to me! Also if you have any ideas for fundraisers or ways to spread awareness please let me know! 😁